Faculty research in the last 5 years
Alan K. Stotts, MD Research
Resident Independence Performing Common Orthopaedics Procedures at the End of Training: Perspective of the Graduated Resident.
Kohring JM, Harrast JJ, Stotts AK, Zhang C, Millar MM, Presson AP, Saltzman CL.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020 Jan 2;102(1):e2. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.18.01469.
PMID: 31567668 -
Inpatient Versus Outpatient Treatment of Gartland Type II Supracondylar Humerus Fractures: A Cost and Safety Comparison.
Makarewich CA, Stotts AK, Yoo M, Nelson RE, Rothberg DL.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 May/Jun;40(5):211-217. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001442.
PMID: 31415017 -
Perceptions of the Recommended Resident Experience with Common Orthopaedics Procedures: A Survey of Program Directors and Early Practice Surgeons
Stotts AK, Kohring JM, Presson AP, Millar MM, Harrast JJ, Van Heest AE, Zhang C, Saltzman CL.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2019 Jul 3;101(113):e63. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.18.00149.
PMID: 31274728 -
Utilization and efficacy of computational gait analysis for hamstring lengthening surger
MacWilliams BA, Stotts AK, Carroll KL, D'Astous JL.
Gait Posture. 2016 Sep;49:394-397. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.07.021. Epub 2016 Jul 20.
PMID: 27505142 -
Factors Influencing Outcomes of the Dysplastic Hip in Nonambulatory Children With Cerebral Palsy.
Carroll KL, Stotts AK, Baird GO, Thorman AL, Talmage M, Moss WD, McMulkin ML, MacWilliams BA.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2021 Apr 1;41(4):221-226. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001760.
PMID: 33534371
Joshua B. Klatt, MD Research
Cozen's deformity: resolved by guided growth.
Morin M, Klatt J, Stevens PM.
Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2018 Aug;13(2):87-93. doi: 10.1007/s11751-018-0309-y. Epub 2018 Mar 16.
PMID: 29549568 -
The NICA injury surveillance system: Design, methodology and preliminary data of a prospective, longitudinal study of injuries in youth cross country mountain bike racing.
Willick SE, Cushman DM, Klatt J, Brobeck M, Spencer C, Teramoto M.
J Sci Med Sport. 2020 May 26:S1440-2440(19)31541-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2020.05.021. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 32546436 -
Rib-based Distraction Surgery Maintains Total Spine Growth.
El-Hawary R, Samdani A, Wade J, Smith M, Klatt JW, Vitale MG, Smith JT; Children’s Spine Study Group.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2016 Dec;36(8):841-846. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000000567.
PMID: 26090967 -
Growth-friendly Spinal Instrumentation in Marfan Syndrome Achieves Sustained Gains in Thoracic Height Amidst High Rates of Implant Failure.
Bellaire LL, Zhang C, Smith JT, , Klatt J, Roye D, Sponseller P, Samdani A, Fedorak GT; Pediatric Spine Study Group.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2021 Mar 1;41(3):e204-e210. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001730.
PMID: 33370003 -
The National Interscholastic Cycling Association Mountain Biking Injury Surveillance System: 40,000 Student-Athlete-Years of Data.
Willick SE, Ehn M, Teramoto M, Klatt JWB, Finnoff JT, Saad K, Cushman DM.
Curr Sports Med Rep. 2021 Jun 1;20(6):291-297. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000850. PMID: 34099606
Christopher A. Makarewich, MD Research
Fat Embolism and Fat Embolism Syndrome.
Rothberg DL, Makarewich CA.
J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 Apr 15;27(8):e346-e355. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00571.
PMID: 30958807 -
Expert Consensus for Early Onset Scoliosis Surgery.
Hughes MS, Swarup I, Makarewich CA, Williams BA, Talwar D, Cahill PJ, Flynn JM, Anari JB.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 Aug;40(7):e621-e628. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001473.
PMID: 31770167 -
Latest Advances in Limb Lengthening Using Magnetically Controlled Intramedullary Lengthening Nails.
Makarewich CA, Herzenberg JE, McClure PK.
Surg Technol Int. 2020 May 28;36:404-411.
PMID: 32297969 -
A simple approach for determining tendon limb length in open Achilles lengthening: technical note.
Makarewich CA, Swarup I, Davidson RS.
J Pediatr Orthop B. 2020 Jul;29(4):359-362. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000735.
PMID: 32317561 -
Epidemiology and management of appendicular fractures occurring in neonatal intensive care patients.
Williams BA, Makarewich CA, Montoya-Williams DC, Krakow A, Lioy J, Horn BD.
Acta Paediatr. 2021 Feb;110(2):489-494. doi: 10.1111/apa.15430. Epub 2020 Jul 1.
PMID: 32564435 -
Inpatient Versus Outpatient Treatment of Gartland Type II Supracondylar Humerus Fractures: A Cost and Safety Comparison.
Makarewich CA, Stotts AK, Yoo M, Nelson RE, Rothberg DL.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 May/Jun;40(5):211-217. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001442.
PMID: 31415017 -
The Medial Stitch in Transosseous-Equivalent Rotator Cuff Repair: Vertical or Horizontal Mattress?
Montanez A, Makarewich CA, Burks RT, Henninger HB.
Am J Sports Med. 2016 Sep;44(9):2225-30. doi: 10.1177/0363546516648680. Epub 2016 Jun 8.
PMID: 27281277
M. Shaun Machen, MD Research
Early analysis of the United States Army's telemedicine Orthopaedics consultation program.
Blank E, Lappan C, Belmont PJ Jr, Machen MS, Ficke J, Pope R, Owens BD.
J Surg Orthop Adv. 2011 Spring;20(1):50-5.
PMID: 21477534 -
Management of large soft-tissue wounds with negative pressure therapy-lessons learned from the war zone.
Pirela-Cruz MA, Machen MS, Esquivel D.
J Hand Ther. 2008 Apr-Jun;21(2):196-202; quiz 203. doi: 10.1197/j.jht.2007.12.007. PMID: 18436141
The beneficial relationship of the colocation of Orthopaedics and physical therapy in a deployed setting: Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Davis S, Machen MS, Chang L.
Mil Med. 2006 Mar;171(3):220-3. doi: 10.7205/milmed.171.3.220. PMID: 16602520
Rhabdomyolysis attributable to severe overuse of the supraspinatus muscle: a report of two cases.
Graves RM, Machen MS, Zubak JJ, Warme WJ.
Mil Med. 2007 Dec;172(12):1306-9. doi: 10.7205/milmed.172.12.1306. PMID: 18274034
Discoid Medial Meniscus: A Case Report.
Dunn J, Kusnezov N, Waterman BR, Machen MS.
Mil Med. 2016 Feb;181(2):e194-6. doi: 10.7205/MILMED-D-15-00286. PMID: 26837091
Scott D. Ford, PA-C Research
Habitat preference in the critically endangered yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda) at La Esperanza, Peru.
Almeyda Zambrano SL, Broadbent EN, Shanee S, Shanee N, Deluycker A, Steinberg M, Ford SA, Hernández Jaramillo A, Fernandez-Hilario R, Lagos Castillo C, Almeyda Zambrano AM.
Am J Primatol. 2019 Aug;81(8):e23032. doi: 10.1002/ajp.23032. Epub 2019 Jul 18.
PMID: 31318082 -
Guided growth for tibia vara (Blount's disease).
Ford S, Stevens P.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Oct;95(41):e4951. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000004951.
PMID: 27741108 -
Searching for nests of the invasive Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) using radio-telemetry.
Kennedy PJ, Ford SM, Poidatz J, Thiéry D, Osborne JL.
Commun Biol. 2018 Jul 4;1:88. doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0092-9. eCollection 2018.
PMID: 30271969 -
Long Nights, Airplanes, and Avian Surgery: A Tale of Working With Volunteers to Study Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis) Wintering on Lake Michigan.
Fara LJ, Ford S, Lubinski BR, Houdek SC, Eichholz MW.
J Avian Med Surg. 2019 Mar 1;33(1):82-88. doi: 10.1647/2018-418.
PMID: 31124616
Christopher J. Harris, PA-C Research
Copper Modulation and Memory Impairment due to Hippocampal Tau Pathology.
Harris CJ, Gray NE, Caruso M, Hunter M, Ralle M, Quinn JF.
J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;78(1):49-60. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200002.
PMID: 32250309 -
Age-Associated DNA Methylation Patterns Are Shared Between the Hippocampus and Peripheral Blood Cells.
Harris CJ, Davis BA, Zweig JA, Nevonen KA, Quinn JF, Carbone L, Gray NE.
Front Genet. 2020 Mar 6;11:111. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00111. eCollection 2020.
PMID: 32211019 -
Centella Asiatica Improves Memory and Promotes Antioxidative Signaling in 5XFAD Mice.
Matthews DG, Caruso M, Murchison CF, Zhu JY, Wright KM, Harris CJ, Gray NE, Quinn JF, Soumyanath A.
Antioxidants (Basel). 2019 Dec 8;8(12):630. doi: 10.3390/antiox8120630.
PMID: 31817977 -
Open chemistry: RESTful web APIs, JSON, NWChem and the modern web application.
Hanwell MD, de Jong WA, Harris CJ.
J Cheminform. 2017 Oct 30;9(1):55. doi: 10.1186/s13321-017-0241-z.
PMID: 29086154 -
Centella asiatica attenuates Aβ-induced neurodegenerative spine loss and dendritic simplification.
Gray NE, Zweig JA, Murchison C, Caruso M, Matthews DG, Kawamoto C, Harris CJ, Quinn JF, Soumyanath A.
Neurosci Lett. 2017 Apr 12;646:24-29. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.02.072. Epub 2017 Mar 6.
PMID: 28279707
Theresa A. Hennessey, MD Research
Prospective comparison of subtalar arthroereisis with lateral column lengthening for painful flatfeet.
Chong DY, Macwilliams BA, Hennessey TA, Teske N, Stevens PM.
J Pediatr Orthop B. 2015 Jul;24(4):345-53. doi: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000179.
PMID: 25856275 -
Evaluation of somatic mutations in tibial pseudarthrosis samples in neurofibromatosis type 1.
Sant DW, Margraf RL, Stevenson DA, Grossmann AH, Viskochil DH, Hanson H, Everitt MD, Rios JJ, Elefteriou F, Hennessey T, Mao R.
J Med Genet. 2015 Apr;52(4):256-61. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2014-102815. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
PMID: 25612910 -
Interobserver and intraobserver reliability of the modified Waldenström classification system for staging of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.
Hyman JE, Trupia EP, Wright ML, Matsumoto H, Jo CH, Mulpuri K, Joseph B, Kim HK; International Perthes Study Group Members.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015 Apr 15;97(8):643-50. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.N.00887.
PMID: 25878308
Kevin B. Jones, MD Research
The epigenomics of sarcoma.
Nacev BA, Jones KB, Intlekofer AM, Yu JSE, Allis CD, Tap WD, Ladanyi M, Nielsen TO.
Nat Rev Cancer. 2020 Oct;20(10):608-623. doi: 10.1038/s41568-020-0288-4. Epub 2020 Aug 11.
PMID: 32782366 -
Comprehensive and Integrated Genomic Characterization of Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas.
Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network. Electronic address: elizabeth.demicco@sinaihealthsystem.ca; Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network.
Cell. 2017 Nov 2;171(4):950-965.e28. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.10.014.
PMID: 29100075 -
The SS18-SSX Oncoprotein Hijacks KDM2B-PRC1.1 to Drive Synovial Sarcoma.
Banito A, Li X, Laporte AN, Roe JS, Sanchez-Vega F, Huang CH, Dancsok AR, Hatzi K, Chen CC, Tschaharganeh DF, Chandwani R, Tasdemir N, Jones KB, Capecchi MR, Vakoc CR, Schultz N, Ladanyi M, Nielsen TO, Lowe SW.
Cancer Cell. 2018 Mar 12;33(3):527-541.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.01.018. Epub 2018 Mar 1.
PMID: 29502955 -
The Lineage-Defining Transcription Factors SOX2 and NKX2-1 Determine Lung Cancer Cell Fate and Shape the Tumor Immune Microenvironment.
Mollaoglu G, Jones A, Wait SJ, Mukhopadhyay A, Jeong S, Arya R, Camolotto SA, Mosbruger TL, Stubben CJ, Conley CJ, Bhutkar A, Vahrenkamp JM, Berrett KC, Cessna MH, Lane TE, Witt BL, Salama ME, Gertz J, Jones KB, Snyder EL, Oliver TG.
Immunity. 2018 Oct 16;49(4):764-779.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.09.020.
PMID: 30332632 -
SKP2 My Lou, My Darling.
Lambert SL, Jones KB.
Cancer Res. 2020 Jun 15;80(12):2437-2438. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-1046.
PMID: 32540853 -
Kenneth B Jones Jr. MD FACS FASMBS.
Jones KB.
Obes Surg. 2017 Oct;27(10):2513-2514. doi: 10.1007/s11695-017-2919-8.
PMID: 28905293 -
Sarcoma-The standard-bearer in cancer discovery.
Potter JW, Jones KB, Barrott JJ. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2018 Jun;126:1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.
critrevonc.2018.03.007. Epub 2018 Mar 29.
PMID: 29759550 -
What factors influence patient experience in Orthopaedics oncology office visits?
Blank AT, Shaw S, Wakefield CJ, Zhang Y, Liu WJ, Jones KB, Randall RL.
World J Clin Oncol. 2020 Mar 24;11(3):136-142. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v11.i3.136.
PMID: 32257844
John S. Groundland, MD Research
Nonmechanical Revision Indications Portend Repeat Limb-Salvage Failure Following Total Femoral Replacement.
Henderson ER, Keeney BJ, Husson EG, Bernthal NM, Ji T, Pala E, Funovics PT, Groundland JS, Lozano-Calderon S, Puchner S, Zoller SD, Ruggieri P, Windhager R, Guo W, Hornicek FJ, Letson GD, Temple HT.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020 Sep 2;102(17):1511-1520. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.19.01022.
PMID: 3245311 -
Ischial osteoid osteoma: A cause of persistent hip pain in an adolescent patient with bilateral femoroacetabular impingement.
Mortensen AJ, Groundland JS, Tomasevich KM, Hobson TE, Randall RL, Aoki SK.
Radiol Case Rep. 2021 Feb 24;16(5):1037-1041. doi: 10.1016/j.radcr.2021.02.012. eCollection 2021 May.
PMID: 33680272 -
The stability of the hip after the use of a proximal femoral endoprosthesis for oncological indications: analysis of variables relating to the patient and the surgical technique.
Henderson ER, Keeney BJ, Pala E, Funovics PT, Eward WC, Groundland JS, Ehrlichman LK, Puchner SS, Brigman BE, Ready JE, Temple HT, Ruggieri P, Windhager R, Letson GD, Hornicek FJ.
Bone Joint J. 2017 Apr;99-B(4):531-537. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.99B4.BJJ-2016-0960.R1.
PMID: 28385944
Stephen K. Aoki, MD Research
Surgical Treatment for FAI: Arthroscopic and Open Techniques for Osteoplasty.
Dukas AG, Gupta AS, Peters CL, Aoki SK.
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2019 Jul 1;12(3):281-290. doi: 10.1007/s12178-019-09572-4. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 31264173 -
Leg dominance as a risk factor for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome.
Philippi MT, Kahn TL, Adeyemi TF, Maak TG, Aoki SK.
J Hip Preserv Surg. 2020 Feb 13;7(1):22-26. doi: 10.1093/jhps/hnaa007. eCollection 2020 Jan.
PMID: 32382425 -
Editorial Commentary: Hip Arthroscopy Capsular Approaches: Periportal, Puncture, Interportal, T-Cut…Does It Really Matter?
Aoki SK.
Arthroscopy. 2019 Apr;35(4):1128-1129. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2019.01.021.
PMID: 30954106 -
Sclerotic lesions of the femoral head-neck junction for diagnosis of femoroacetabular impingement.
Hananouchi T, Aoki SK.
J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2020 Jan-Apr;28(2):2309499020924161. doi: 10.1177/2309499020924161.
PMID: 32436427 -
Editorial Commentary: Patient Profiling: Identifying Risk Factors That Help Predict Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopy Candidates.
Aoki SK.
Arthroscopy. 2019 Nov;35(11):3057-3059. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2019.07.011.
PMID: 31699256 -
Arthroscopic Iliopsoas Release: Response.
Brandenburg JB, Kapron AL, Aoki SK.
Am J Sports Med. 2016 Oct;44(10):NP49-NP51. doi: 10.1177/0363546516669300.
PMID: 27694605 -
Arthroscopic Femoral Osteochondroplasty for Cam-type Femoroacetabular Impingement: Cortical-Cancellous Sclerotic Boundary Guides Resection Depth.
Mortensen AJ, Duensing I, Aoki SK.
Arthrosc Tech. 2020 Sep 4;9(9):e1309-e1314. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2020.05.011. eCollection 2020 Sep.
PMID: 33024671 -
Clinical and Radiographic Presentation of Capsular Iatrogenic Hip Instability After Previous Hip Arthroscopy
O'Neill DC, Mortensen AJ, Cannamela PC, Aoki SK.
Am J Sports Med. 2020 Oct;48(12):2927-2932. doi: 10.1177/0363546520949821. Epub 2020 Sep 2.
PMID: 32877211
Travis G. Maak, MD Research
Sports Performance and Injury Research: Methodologic Limitations and Recommendations for Future Improvements.
Maak TG, Mack CD, Cole BJ, Herzog MM, Difiori J, Meisel P.
Arthroscopy. 2020 Nov;36(11):2938-2941. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.08.038. Epub 2020 Oct 10.
PMID: 33045333 -
Femoral Head Chondrocyte Viability at the Cam Deformity in Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome.
Rogers MJ, Kondo M, Kim K, Okano T, Maak TG.
Am J Sports Med. 2020 Dec;48(14):3586-3593. doi: 10.1177/0363546520962788. Epub 2020 Oct 27.
PMID: 33108221 -
Characterization and finite element validation of transchondral strain in the human hip during static and dynamic loading.
Todd JN, Allan AN, Maak TG, Weiss JA.
J Biomech. 2021 Jan 4;114:110143. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.110143. Epub 2020 Dec 3.
PMID: 33307354 -
A 2-Week Course of Naproxen for Heterotopic Ossification Prophylaxis Is Effective Following Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement.
Mortensen AJ, O'Neill DC, Adeyemi TF, Maak TG, Aoki SK.
Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2020 Oct 15;2(6):e789-e794. doi: 10.1016/j.asmr.2020.07.016. eCollection 2020 Dec.
PMID: 33376993 -
A Narrow Posterior Joint Space on a False Profile Radiograph Does Not Correlate With Posterior Joint Cartilage Degeneration in Hip Preservation Patients.
Mortensen AJ, Philippi MT, Karns MR, Kahn TL, Adeyemi TF, Maak TG, Aoki SK.
Arthroscopy. 2020 Dec;36(12):2984-2991. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.07.023. Epub 2020 Jul 25.
PMID: 32721543 -
Dynamic Assessment of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome Hips.
Spiker AM, Kraszewski AP, Maak TG, Nwachukwu BU, Backus SI, Hillstrom HJ, Kelly BT, Ranawat AS.
Arthroscopy. 2021 Jun 12:S0749-8063(21)00575-2. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2021.05.062. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 34126220 -
Joint Venting Prior to Hip Distraction Minimizes Traction Forces During Hip Arthroscopy.
O'Neill DC, Mortensen AJ, Tomasevich KM, Ohlsen SM, Adeyemi TF, Maak TG, Aoki SK.
Arthroscopy. 2021 Jul;37(7):2164-2170. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2021.02.015. Epub 2021 Feb 23.
PMID: 33631253 -
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes After Treatment of Patellar Chondral Defects: A Systematic Review.
Su CA, Trivedi NN, Le HT, Sivasundaram L, Maak TG, Salata MJ, Voos JE, Karns M.
Sports Health. 2021 Apr 22:19417381211003515. doi: 10.1177/19417381211003515. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33885342
Douglas T. Hutchinson, MD Research
Long-term performance of Utah slanted electrode arrays and intramuscular electromyographic leads implanted chronically in human arm nerves and muscles.
George JA, Page DM, Davis TS, Duncan CC, Hutchinson DT, Rieth LW, Clark GA.
J Neural Eng. 2020 Oct 31;17(5):056042. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/abc025.
PMID: 33045689 -
The Natural History of Pediatric Trigger Thumb in the United States.
Hutchinson DT, Rane AA, Montanez A.
J Hand Surg Am. 2021 May;46(5):424.e1-424.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2020.10.016. Epub 2021 Jan 9.
PMID: 33436280 -
Long-term Reoperation Rate for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Subcutaneous Transposition Versus In Situ Decompression.
Hutchinson DT, Sullivan R, Sinclair MK.
Hand (N Y). 2021 Jul;16(4):447-452. doi: 10.1177/1558944719873153. Epub 2019 Sep 13.
PMID: 31517521 -
Upper Extremity Function, Peer Relationships, and Pain Interference: Evaluating the Biopsychosocial Model in a Pediatric Hand Surgery Population Using PROMIS.
Kazmers NH, Presson AP, Yu Z, Walsh W, Hutchinson DT, Tyser AR.
J Hand Surg Am. 2020 Sep;45(9):830-840. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2020.05.011. Epub 2020 Jul 5.
PMID: 32641229 -
Evaluating the Safety of the Hand Surgery Procedure Room: A Single-Center Cohort of 1,404 Surgical Encounters.
Stephens AR, Presson AP, Jo YJ, Tyser AR, Wang AA, Hutchinson DT, Kazmers NH.
J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Jul;46(7):623.e1-623.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2020.11.018. Epub 2021 Jan 22.
PMID: 33487491 -
Discriminability of multiple cutaneous and proprioceptive hand percepts evoked by intraneural stimulation with Utah slanted electrode arrays in human amputees.
Page DM, George JA, Wendelken SM, Davis TS, Kluger DT, Hutchinson DT, Clark GA.
J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2021 Jan 21;18(1):12. doi: 10.1186/s12984-021-00808-4.
PMID: 33478534 -
A Comparison of Open Carpal Tunnel Release Outcomes Between Procedure Room and Operating Room Settings.
Stephens AR, Tyser AR, Presson AP, Orleans B, Wang AA, Hutchinson DT, Kazmers NH.
J Hand Surg Glob Online. 2021 Jan;3(1):12-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsg.2020.10.009. Epub 2020 Dec 4.
PMID: 33537661
David L. Rothberg, MD Research
Predicting Syndesmotic Injury in OTA/AO 44-B2.1 (Danis-Weber B) Fractures.
Kellam PJ, Dekeyser GJ, Haller JM, Rothberg DL, Higgins TF, Marchand LS.
J Orthop Trauma. 2020 Dec 28;Publish Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002052. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33395177
Symmetry and reliability of the anterior distal tibial angle and plafond radius of curvature.
Kellam PJ, Dekeyser GJ, Rothberg DL, Higgins TF, Haller JM, Marchand LS.
Injury. 2020 Oct;51(10):2309-2315. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2020.07.023. Epub 2020 Jul 9. PMID: 32660695
Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures in Workers' Compensation Patients Aged 45-65 Years: Is It Best to Fix the Fracture or Replace the Joint?
Anderson JT, Hudyk AR, Haas AR, Ahn NU, Rothberg DL, Gililland JM.
J Arthroplasty. 2020 Nov;35(11):3195-3203. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2020.06.003. Epub 2020 Jun 7. PMID: 32600808
Is the Fibular Station on Lateral Ankle Radiographs Symmetric? A Retrospective Observational Radiographic Study.
Kellam PJ, Dekeyser GJ, Bailey TL, Haller JM, Rothberg DL, Higgins TF, Marchand LS.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020 Dec;478(12):2859-2865. doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000001348. PMID: 32530895
Young Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures Are Associated With Fewer Complications than Young Femoral Neck Fractures.
DeKeyser GJ, Wilson JM, Kellam PJ, Spencer C, Haller JM, Rothberg DL, Wagner ER, Higgins TF, Marchand LS.
J Orthop Trauma. 2021 Jul 1;35(7):356-360. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002005. PMID: 33165209
Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study.
Medeiros M, Love TR, Slobogean GP, Sprague S, Perfetto EM, O'Hara NN, Mullins CD; PREP-IT Investigators:.
J Comp Eff Res. 2021 Apr;10(6):439-442. doi: 10.2217/cer-2020-0266. Epub 2021 Mar 24. PMID: 33759556
Low Adherence to Recommended Guidelines for Open Fracture Antibiotic Prophylaxis.
Lin CA, O'Hara NN, Sprague S, O'Toole RV, Joshi M, Harris AD, Warner SJ, Johal H, Natoli RM, Hagen JE, Jeray KJ, Fowler JT, Phelps KD, Pilson HT, Gitajn IL, Bhandari M, Slobogean GP; PREP-IT Investigators.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2021 Apr 7;103(7):609-617. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.20.01229. PMID: 33411466
Correction to: Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials.
Sprague S, Scott T, Dodds S, Pogorzelski D, McKay P, Harris AD, Wood A, Thabane L, Bhandari M, Mehta S, Gaski G, Boulton C, Marcano-Fernández F, Guerra-Farfán E, Hebden J, O'Hara LM, Slobogean GP; PREP-IT Investigators.
Trials. 2020 Sep 30;21(1):821. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04767-4. PMID: 32998779
Peter N. Chalmers, MD Research
What's New in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
Tashjian RZ, Christensen GV, Chalmers PN.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020 Oct 21;102(20):1770-1776. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.20.01252. PMID: 33086343
Patch Augmentation in Rotator Cuff Repair.
Chalmers PN, Tashjian RZ.
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2020 Oct;13(5):561-571. doi: 10.1007/s12178-020-09658-4. PMID: 32720101
Outcomes after a Grammont-style reverse total shoulder arthroplasty?
Tashjian RZ, Hillyard B, Childress V, Kawakami J, Presson AP, Zhang C, Chalmers PN.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jan;30(1):e10-e17. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2020.04.027. Epub 2020 Jun 9. PMID: 32778382
Intrathoracic central glenoid screw: a case report.
Frandsen JJ, Tashjian RZ, Chalmers PN.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Sep;29(9):e338-e340. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2020.04.044. Epub 2020 Jun 9. PMID: 32815809 No abstract available.
Single loop allograft reconstruction for sternoclavicular joint instability.
Tashjian RZ, Ross H, Granger E, Chalmers PN.
JSES Int. 2020 Jul 15;4(4):719-723. doi: 10.1016/j.jseint.2020.06.003. eCollection 2020 Dec. PMID: 33345205
Double-loaded suture anchors in the treatment of anteroinferior glenohumeral instability.
Chalmers PN, Hillyard B, Kawakami J, Christensen G, O'Neill D, Childress V, Tashjian RZ.
JSES Int. 2020 May 30;4(3):587-591. doi: 10.1016/j.jseint.2020.03.015. eCollection 2020 Sep. PMID: 32939491
The ulnar collateral ligament responds to stress in professional pitchers.
Chalmers PN, English J, Cushman DM, Zhang C, Presson AP, Yoon S, Schulz B, Li B.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Mar;30(3):495-503. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2020.06.027. Epub 2020 Jul 7. PMID: 32650069
Reliable interpretation of scapular kinematics depends on coordinate system definition.
Kolz CW, Sulkar HJ, Aliaj K, Tashjian RZ, Chalmers PN, Qiu Y, Zhang Y, Foreman KB, Anderson AE, Henninger HB.
Gait Posture. 2020 Sep;81:183-190. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.07.020. Epub 2020 Jul 25. PMID: 32758918